Can Training Slowdown Churning

 In Business, Education, Human Resources

While there are no hardwired solutions to employee attrition rate, it can be reduced through a systemic approach, with Learning and Development emerging as a bedrock for management. Of the dozen reasons typically attributed to employee churn, three have been traced back to reasons that could have been tackled by training, viz – growth opportunities, inadequate continuity training & feedback and people skills.

The wedge between a training module and participants

The sticking point in effective training is not just the module, but delivery.  Well researched content, anchored with empirical evidence often comes a cropper due to training that does not involve the participants.  The four factors that will determine the content of a training module, and its consequent success/failure are – purpose of training, methods of training, participant attributes and conditions of training.  

Of the many reasons for training, the three that certainly qualify as leaders among equals would be to (1) Improve workforce quality (2) Give impetus to employee growth (3) Implement what’s planned.

Pre-training assessment

Any training module that does not include a pre-training assessment (PTA) is definitely trite and run-of-the-mill. It would be a fractured module that will fail on all three fronts. An ideal PTA would assess worker performance indices, identify gaps and chart a path.


Unless the realm demands a need-to-know-basis or compartmentalised system of functioning, training needs to be instructor-led and should prime participants to see the larger picture of their roles. This will give them a sense of belonging and remove the wedge of disconnect, translating into greater involvement in their functions.  Motivation has that silent quality of steamrolling difficulties in the workplace. Motivation stems from many factors, and right training is a vanguard that lifts morale.

Attuning participants

It would not be out of place to quote an example of riveting content that leaves an impact. An award winning print ad decades ago had a photo of a taxi meter showing 40.00 Indian Rupees beside that of a telephone instrument. The question that was posed to the reader was if he would prefer taking the taxi or make a call to receive service.  The point is – every training programme needs to be innovative. That is, apart from involving the participant, and evaluating basic criteria such as methods of training – pedagogy or andragogy, categories – information presentation, information processing, and simulation.  Modules that fulfil all criteria and customised after a probe will offer the best solutions to firms on the lookout for training schedules that are germane.

Precede – We help you morph

At Precede, quality is not just a keyword or a bullet point. It is what we give. Through training modules that are abreast of requirements. With case studies that aid in development of content, Precede has attained specialist ranking with spectacular results that define our satisfied clientele, some of whom have recorded staggering drops in attrition rates. Customised training programs include:-

Leading Teams Programs Diversity & Culture Programs Talent Management Programs Personal Effectiveness Programs Role-based Programs Sales & Marketing Programs Employee Engagement Programs Technical Programs Change Management Programs Computer Skills Training Programs Customer Service Training Programs Employee Development Training Programs Finance and Accounting Training Programs

For the record, participants have never missed our second or subsequent sessions. It is not without reason that we chose to be named PRECEDE.

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